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Chocolate in Bayonne - a great address to try!

Did you know that Bayonne - a typical Basque city with a beautiful cathedral - is known as the Chocolate Capital of France?

Bayonne old town with cathedral.
Bayonne (credit: Pascale Gueret)

Chocolate holds important history in this city. Jewish immigrants fleeing Spanish Inquisition in the 17th century settled here and brought their chocolate-making skills with them. Locals assimilated this new craft and chocolate knowledge spread between generations. While only a few of these historical chocolate shops now remain - in part due to 20th century industrialisation - chocolate (and hot chocolate, in particular) is still engrained in Bayonne's culinary history. Click here to watch a video (in English) outlining some of this chocolatey history:

Chocolaterie Cazenave - a chocolate institution created in 1854 - serves a 'chocolat mousseux', an extremely light and frothy hot chocolate. We recommend you give this iconic address a try - in a fantastically decorated 'salon de thé' (tearoom)

Chocolaterie Puyodebat (Bayonne) entrance.
Chocolaterie Puyodebat

Recently (this Christmas 2024), in the cold winter weather, we wanted a hot chocolate in Bayonne. We tried Chocolaterie Puyodebat and were really impressed by their upstairs 'salon de thé' (called 'La tasse à Moustache', or, 'The Moustache teacup') - warmly decorated - and their delicious hot chocolate. Puyodebat has been in the Basque Country for over 20 years and offers really delicious chocolatey treats.

Here's a little photo guide of our time there:

Chocolaterie Puyodebat chocolate counter in the shop.
The chocolate counter... magical!
Chocolaterie Puyodebat tearoom.
The 'salon de thé'
Chocolaterie Puyodebat hot chocolate and treats.
Their house hot chocolate, served in moustache-protecting cups. We also ordered some treats to eat (very good!).
Historical, decorated hot chocolate vessels.
Hot chocolate vessels - lots of them!

Why not come stay in Biarritz - another iconic Basque city - and pop in to Bayonne for a chocolatey adventure?

Our guest house, Les Tourelles, is approximately 15-20 minutes away from Bayonne by car and 30 minutes by bus (check out the local Txik Txak bus routes here).

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